Welcome to Van Buren First Baptist
Van Buren First Baptist was founded in 1887. In April 2017, our town was flooded when the Current River rose to record levels, due to heavy rain for several days. Many homes and businesses were destroyed, along with our church building. As you can tell from the picture below, we lost almost everything.
We had started building a youth center which is now finished and we began worship in it the following Sunday. We only missed one Sunday and that was the day of the flood itself.
We had a Groundbreaking Service on Sunday May 26, 2019 to celebrate the building of our new sanctuary which was completed and we began to use on December 15, 2019.
Van Buren First Baptist
Who We Are?
We are believers in Jesus Christ and pursue a passionate relationship with God above all and share the Gospel to the world.
What We Believe?
We treasure the Bible as God’s perfect Word and our standard for faith and life. We adhere to the doctrinal statement as published in the Baptist Faith & Message (2000).
What We Do?
We want to grow in our love of Christ through growing as disciples and making disciples. We do this through the study and implementation of His Word in our lives, developing deep relationships with other believers and worshiping God.
We want to equip our members to be able to navigate scripture, share the Gospel, and selflessly serve the community outside the Church.
We want to serve our community of Van Buren to shine out the love of Christ.